"Do i look like i NEED bitches?"
"Do i look like i NEED bitches?"
Never trust a girl with a purple filter, theyre crazy.
Never had one of those.
Cant blame ya dude, cant blame ya.
League Of Legends es una de las peores cosas que le pudo haber pasado a nuestra especie, pero al mismo tiempo tu dibujo es tan bueno que me puedo permitir el olvidar ese horrible hecho.
"We all wear masks Spider-Man, but wich one is real? The one that hides your face, or the one that IS your face?
Are you an N64 model in real life?
cuz thats some polygonal hair you got there.
Yeah, I sometimes use my bangs to cut veggies too
Like the cover for a magazine.
Woah im getting some Tin Tin vibes, i like that.
That's very kind of you, I love tintin!
God i love YIIK .
I only know the name of that series, but not much else.
Is this somehow related to YIIK in a way?
Thanks for the rating!
Man who loves love despite being a villain lol
Hobby artist
Joined on 5/17/20