Lenghty name, fucking awesome design, fuck yeah.
Lenghty name, fucking awesome design, fuck yeah.
Ok the three comics beforehand were kinda funny but now i wanna draw Anyas friends suffering, can i draw them suffering? Slowly and painfully? It would fill my quota for Halloween.
It might be better to just leave these creatures alone; they might be more than meets the eye..
Holy shit the rendering in this piece is GODLY.
Now draw them crushing Johnny CageĀ“s BALLS-
As retribution for his nut punch move?
Hes got a giant pill in his nose, he snorted it whole by accident and thats why he speaks like that.
He never got to see that skeleton, you can see it on his face.
Y E S.
Unconventional as hell, i LOVE this kind of stuff.
i REALLY should start playing this game
Man who loves love despite being a villain lol
Hobby artist
Joined on 5/17/20